The official store of Grammy® nominated producer and artist Mike Zombie

Ouija Billboard Interviews: T-Dot IllDude

Here at the site we caught up with one of the most trendy and move making artists out of South Jersey.  Tdot Illdude He talks new album, day in the life with him and just other dope shit he likes and he's doing. Take a look below.

ZOTB: So Wassup We Appreciate You Taking The Time Out Ya Busy Schedule To Come Through The Site Knowing Your Famous And All.

Illdude: SMH

ZOTB: Lol. We Just Fuckin Witchu So Tell The People Who You Are And What You Do.


ZOTB: Lmao. So Where’d You Get The Name T-Dot Illdude ? I Believe You Went By Something A While Back That Was Different Right?

Illdude: yea, i use to call my self tommy 2 much, i always called myself Tdot , but it was to hard competing with canada on google, so i was thinking one day like “ what can i add to my name to make it stand out” and ppl think im a ill dude so it just worked and it went over well

ZOTB: Cool. So We’ve Seen You Took A Break From Making Music For A Bit. Have You Just Been Chilling Or Are You Cooking Something Up On The Low?

Illdude: i was just getting my business straight, and during the time i wasnt putting music out i was always recording and working on diff stuff...but mostly getting my business game up and building my contacts

ZOTB: I See. So We’ve Been Seeing A Lot Of “Sleep Is For Suckers” Talk And Buzz I Even Seen A Shirt In A Future Video The Other Day.. Can You Tell Us More About Your Efforts In The Movement?

Illdude: yea man, si4s is boomin all crazy, my partner David Shands is one of the hardest working people i know and its a blessing to be on the same team with people who go hard or even harder than you. Sleep is 4 suckers is a lifestyle even more than a movement, its a all day every day grind, from twitter and all the social sites to reality, actually living the brand, u cant sell people sleep is 4 suckers as a brand if you dont live the life, no one would believe it.. we have a great team and the brand is so positive and inspirational that everyone we cross paths with shows us crazy love...

ZOTB: So How Do You Guys Come Up With The Designs And Where Did The Name “Sleep Is 4 Suckers” Come From?

Illdude: the design process is just natural, we already like clothes and then when u have such a dope concept to base all your designs around its almost too easy lol, so we just think of stuff, grab inspiration from life experiences or things that we go thru or that other people go thru and translate it into fashion form, just like a rapper does a 16 or an artist does a painting, and the name came from long nights of hard work, and wanting success more than we wanted sleep, plus always staying fly and fashionable... dave called me one day and said i got the name... “ sleepis4suckers” and the rest is history

ZOTB: That’s Pretty Fuckin Dope. I Think It’s Safe To Say You’re A Trendsetter. I And I Bet The Viewers Wanna Know.. What In The Entire Fuck “Chazz Life” Is?

Illdude: Chazz life is the idea of being happy with you, not being  a hater and going for your goals, and all the cool stuff that comes along with that..

ZOTB: Word. So What Do You Have On Your Plate Right Now. What Is “Illdude” Working On?

Illdude: im relasing a album, in mix tape form, but its all original beats, real soon... i actually let out the 1st song a few days ago, i got a pretty good response...and with the music im doing all the stuff that comes with that, merch, visuals, events...

ZOTB: And This Track Is Called “I Be Knowing” Right? We Took A Look At That. It’s Dope Tell The People What’s The Concept Behind The Video.

Illdude: thanks, the video concept is simple , just me alone basically.. im not rich yet so i try to keep my visuals relatable to the average dude on the grind

ZOTB: So You Said You Have A Project In The Works? Do You Have A Name For It Yet?

Illdude: yea, every thing is CHAZZ LIFE

ZOTB: Nice, Tell Us More About It What Kind Of Music, Artists Producers Can We Expect This Go Around. I’m Pretty Sure People Are Excited To Hear You Get Back In The Music Scene Heavy.

Illdude: i got the town favorites, people that i think are dope and i really wanted to challenge my self and make all the music around one theme... but yall gotta get the album to see what artist are on there..

ZOTB: I’m Excited To Hear. Do You Have A Set Date For The Album?  

Illdude: not yet

ZOTB: So Let’s Get Down To The Nitty Gritty.. Who Do Think Is Whack And Who’s Hot In The Rap Game? Industry Artists And Locally Where You Are?

lol , in the game in i like mmg, future is dope, kendrick lamar is crazy all the usuals, drake wayne , jada, jayz kanye... i like all the music coming out now for the most part .. as far as localy,
i like allot of people too.. a few to name are rudder, smitty , and my boys cato and big rod...

ZOTB: But, Who’s WHACK?

Illdude: its allot of wack dudes, but thats not really what im into, im not a bully, so im not just gone sit here and name all the wack people

ZOTB: You Spoke About Your Boys Cato And Big Rod. They’re Apart Of Your Group “Frontline”. What’s Your Relationship With Those Guys Like? Pause.

Illdude: those are my brothers, Rod the reason i started rapping in the 1st place and cato was always the youngin of the 3 and we been friends for years now, in and out side of rap.. those my boys

ZOTB: That’s dope so You Guys Are A Group Right? Tell Us About That Group And Who’s Apart Of It And What Part They Play In It.

Illdude: we not really a group, like the lox, we more like wu tang or odd future where its a bunch of dope artist on one team.... but my team consist of Big Rod, Cato, Rudder and the block runnaz, and smitty and the goonmanati... all fall under the Frontline umbrella

ZOTB: That’s Wassup So Would You Rather Get A Deal By A Major Label Or Craft Your Own Label From Your Group And Why?

Illdude: allot of people say they dont want a deal, but they dont know what they are talking about... at the end of the day when u get a deal and your not a super star artist you still have to grind like an indi artist, only difference is that they give u a check and money equals freedom... so if you dont have a financial backing then a deal is the move if u ask me.. so basicly i want to go where ever the most money is at, its not all about money but it takes money to get your art all across the world.. so yea i want a deal.. or a backing for indi... but either way its about funding your art.. your dreams... it takes money

ZOTB: I Agree, Now Who Would You Like To Be Under As Far As A Label? Like Where Do YOU Think You Would Fit At Best?

Illdude: who ever is giving the biggest budget and a deal with terms i can live with... as far as artist wise i think i could work well with creative ppl like good music, maybach has allot of different types of artist also, so that would be dope... i like wiz and how free he is as an artist, but really its all about whoever is going to let me do my thing, and give me that push... put that money up so i can make my visions come to life... so really anyone who can do that...

ZOTB: So You’re Pretty Open To Where You End Up. So Tell Us What Motivates You To Do Music, Family Or What?

Illdude: i just love music, and its like the gift and the curse, my family motivates me to do good period, music or not, but just a love for music, that turned into something i’m actually good at ..

ZOTB: What Do You Think Sets You Apart From The Next Artist?

Illdude: locally i feel like i set higher goals and move differently than a lot of artist, i think my influence on my area sets me apart from the crowd, every thing that i do ,i do for myself, no manager no co sign, all me and my squad grinding from the muscle.. and it shows thru... as far as the industry i feel like i have a different story to tell, no one has ever blown up from south jersey, and if anyone was to blow up from here i feel like i have the purest story, you won't be confused wondering if m from new york or philly, i'm not a artist who claims an area i'm not really from, or tries to uphold some image or  life that i didn't live, so i feel like the true south jersey story was never told... and that one aspect alone can set me apart from the pack.. or at least let me stand out in my own lil lane... south jersey story.. no one ever heard it... i'ma let the world know the real truth tho .. my area is super talented and when i get the chance to expose it i will.. on full the world will know these small towns got big talent

ZOTB: I Know Where You’re From There’s A Lot Of People That Want To Be From The Neighboring Major Cities Being Afraid That People Won’t Accept Them Cause They’re From Somewhere Such As Willingboro NJ. What’s Your Insight On That?

Illdude: i think thats super corny, you are who you are no matter what, im from willingboro and i'm proud, not because of the area but because of who i am, what willingboro, mt. holly, burlington made me.. i get respect everywhere i go and people love me everywhere i go, not cause where i'm from, but because of who i am, i never had to or wanted lie about where i was from EVER...  and i really don't like when artist do that, i think its super wack, cause then its not about art any more, it's about being tuff... i never heard a artist from the city lie and say they were from the burbs... but artists from the burbs always wanna say they from somewhere else, its all some macho BS that ain't got nothing to do with art or music... but it happens all over the nation not just in south jersey, it's like some obsession with being from the hood... while all the people really in the hood wish they could trade places with you...smh... me and my team take allot of credit for making it cool to be from south jersey tho, so maybe thats why i don't mind... if i was some lame maybe  would have to lie about where i'm from, but i'm not.. i'm a trendsetter, a king in south jersey, so i don't know the feeling, i can't relate

ZOTB: We Agree Again. So What’s The Support Like Where You’re From Is It Love For The Most Part Or Are Niggas Hatin More?

Illdude: man.. its all love.. its crazy cause me and my boys was just talking about how we are running out of haters in the area, we been at it so long and so consistent that even ppl who use to hate on us show us crazy love now lol... its so bad that people actually admitted that they hated on us just to get a buzz... the love and support is well deserved tho, we been putting work in for years and i feel like i'm at the top of my game, and people can see that, people respect your moves not your talk... and i'm a mover, so i get respect, simple as that, people know that i make things happen, and i'm serious about my business... and the response i get has been all love... but trust we felt the hate for years, and there will always be haters, but the support level is up , as it should be... we working hard and not takin no shorts

ZOTB: That’s Dope It’s Dope To See Someone Grind For A Long Time And It Show. I’m Pretty Sure The People Want To Know What’s A Day In The Life Of Tdot Illdude Like.

Illdude: my normal day is wake up, fast forward to the studio fast forward to the next day and do it all again, i work all day every day... music, fashion and a few other thing i have in the works... its a day to day grind.. no one is giving any hand outs so its always go time... i'm not too big on giving my every move on twitter and facebook, but i know for a fact that i out work at least 95% of my peers easily.. so my day is work, make progress, learn and do it again... i'm aiming to out work ross, wayne , kanye.. dudes like that .. i set goals so high if i told people they would think im insane

ZOTB: That’s A Grind Right There. So What Do You Like To Do Aside From Music And Fashion? Like What’s The Silly Shit That You Like That People Would Say “I Ain’t Even Know He Was Into That Type Of Stuff” To?

Illdude: i love videogames, i love a few shows too... Game of thrones, walking dead and boardwalk empire, silly stuff? i like to roast all day, crack jokes all crazy.. i like tinychat and talking trash to people on there lol, and most of all i love to pay tribute to Bob marley all day long.... my watch stay on 4:20

ZOTB: Lol That’s Dope What Games Are You Into?

Illdude: i like Nba 2k of course, but i like assassins creed, i really dig that game.. new max payne is dope, red dead redemption was dope.. i got skyrim, its a super nerd game i don't have time to play it tho cause its so long ( pause ) but u know GTA all the cool stuff..

ZOTB: So Tell Us What Your Creative Workflow Is Like How You Go About Making A Song Or Project. Any Preferences To Get In Your “Zone”?

Illdude: its always different, as long as i'm comfortable which don't really take much im good, i need good bud, i can work alone, like with no engineer , no one just me, i know all the ins and outs of protools and recording.. but sometimes i like a crowd, and then we can get bottles and food and just rock out, i love good feedback and input, i love showing people how we work too.. so i don't have a set flow, as long as i'm comfortable everythings a go

ZOTB: I Know You Have Worked With A Lot Of People. Who Do You Think Was The Best Experience Working With And Why?

Illdude: i like working with cardiak, we been working together so long its like a second nature, he so dope with the beats and we just make dope music... but i like to work with any one who is creative... on any level.. i love new ideas

ZOTB: Word, So Where Do You See Yourself  In 5 Years And What’s “Next” For T-dot IllDude?

Illdude: in 5 years i'll be way ahead of where i'm at now, can't quite call it, but some were better than where i'm at now, and where i'm at now ain't too bad, every day is progress and i really hate this question but everyone ask it no ones knows where they will be in 5 years, but i pray hard and work hard and never put a limitation on my qualifications so ima be super good in 5 years, God willing better than i can imagine

ZOTB: Dope Shit. So Before We Wrap This Up Do You Have Anything You Wanna Tell The Viewers Out There, Anything Motivational, A “Fuck You” ? Whatever? Lol.

Illdude: man.. i just want people to know its ok to be yourself, and that's how i got this far, not saying i'm really any where but i'm doing better than a lot of people who failed to keep it real with the self.. to the youngins, jail ain't cool and selling drugs ain't the only way to make money, some time u gotta do what u gotta do, but when u really find a passion you will work at mcdonalds to fuel your vision and say F everyone that got something negative to say,u cant live your dreams from a prison cell...  take it from a person that really did it and said F it  cause it ain't worth it... in life you have to make sacrifices and sometimes you might think its the end of the world cause u have to leave something behind to better your self... somthing that you thought was cool or the in thing to do to but the truth is.. when you leave all negativity behind no matter who its from, your mom, dad, friends, teachers who ever... you will truly be chazzed up and if people really love you they will leave the negativity behind to... dont wait for some one else to make the change, you make the change and chazz they life up all crazy..

ZOTB: That’s Super Dope Bro. We Definitely Appreciate You Taking Time Out Of Your Busy Schedule To Stop By The Site And Let Your Fans And Supporters Get More Of An Inside Look Into “Tdot ILLdude”. Hopefully The Next Time We Interview You We’ll Be Talking Even More About You’re Progression. But Before You Go Let The People Know Where They Can Find You And Your Music At.

Follow me on twitter @Tdot_illdude

My new CD will be available on
along with all my videos

facebook/ tdotilldude to stay up dated on the latest


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